Saturday, June 2, 2012

Meta Post: Stop Meat: Spot Team

      I think that my favorite blog post this year was one I wrote in response to one of Mr. O'Connor's blogs, "This American Lie", and a discussion we had in class about the Kony 2012 campaign. The blog post was called "Little White Lie?" and in it I tried to answer the question: "What constitutes a 'lie' when it comes to story telling in the media today?" I worked hard on the formatting of this post. I tried to use different colored fonts and images to break up the long post as well as to highlight my main ideas. I thought I did a good job of clearly defining my term of what a story or a "construction" was. I also struggled to make sure the reader understood the difference between "omitting information" and "adding falsified information" because I felt that that was the difference between a story and a lie. 
      I think that my blog posts have improved this semester because I have started including quotes in my posts. At the beginning of the year, I would simply have posts where I stated my opinions on various topics (like in my post "Um So Like Ya..."). As the year progress, I became better at making sure my blog posts were rooted to actual articles/pictures/videos, but I did not usually integrate many quotes (like in my post "It's Not For Women"). However, one of my strongest post this semester was "Day of Silence" because I supported my claims with multiple quotes from the article I talk about in the post. Although my favorite blog post, aforementioned, did not have any quote integration, I still thought it was a strong post because I developed my ideas thoroughly. 

1 comment:

  1. I like how you experiment with the form. And the back and forth between you and OC demonstrates some of the best of what blogging should be. A conversation between fellow writers.
