So recently as I was watching commercials today I remembered a funny Dr. Pepper commercial I had seen awhile back. Basically the commercial is about how a new Dr. Pepper drink called TEN because it has only ten calories in it is for men only. The commercial is very openly sexist, but I think that is almost to it's benefit. Watch the commercial below and see what you think.
The commercial starts off in a forest where a battle is happening and guns firing everyone. The main man of the commercial, says to the camera, "Hey ladies, enjoying the film? Of course not." Even the first few lines are playing off the stereotypes that men like action-packed thriller movies, while women only prefer romantic comedies. The whole commercial plays off of stereotypes like this, but in a way it works. The commercial is something new, bold, and fresh. People watch endless amounts of commercials a day, so it is important for a company to make one that stands out.
I'm sure the commercial generated tons of publicity and talk for the drink after the commercial was released because it hits on issues of gender stereotypes. Also, it is found that men don't like to drink "diet" drinks because they don't find it manly. Only women go on diets, while men work out and don't need to. So the commercial takes the essentially "diet" drink with only ten calories and makes it seem manly and exclusive. The video alludes to the fact that only men can handle this new drink. It appeals to the male audience very well.
At first I was annoyed by this because I thought it was odd they were seeming to exclude women from their marketing techniques. It didn't make sense why a company would want to get rid of half their costumer population. However as I thought about it more, I thought that this commercial also in a way targets women. Women always are looking for ways that they can prove themselves to be just as strong as men in the world. So then women purchase this drink that supposedly only men can. Overall, I thought it was a entertaining, effective commercial.
What do you think of the commercial? Is the audience really only limited to men? How does the commercial use gender stereotypes to its' advantage? Or do you think it's a disadvantage?
I thought this commercial was very interesting. I definitely agree with you that it doesn't make sense why a company would seemingly exclude women from their market. However, I think that not only does this commercial appeal more strongly to men, it also probably triggers a rebellious feeling in women. It's human nature to want to do what we can't do. So when the commercial tells women that they can't have the drink, it makes them want it more. This technique, although it may be unorthodox, does seem to have potential to work at pulling customers in.