Sunday, March 4, 2012

TV Tolkenism: Fringe

      In our class American Studies we've been talking about the idea of "TV Tolkenism". Our teacher has formulated the thesis that on the majority of network dramas minority characters are just used to create diversity, but are never really seen as the main characters. A show that I picked out to support this thesis was Fringe.
Click HERE to view a video clip of the show. Below is a screen shot from part of the video.

-Fringe is a FOX drama about a group of scientists and FBI agents that work together in order to solve crimes in a special unit of the government called the "Fringe Division." They solve crimes that involve theoretical areas of science. Basically that means crimes that are on the "fringe" of reality, they don't seem like they're possible.

-The show centers on a white male, Peter and his crazy scientist father, Walter. In this scene, Walter (center) is walking with Agent Broyles (left) and Astrid (right). Agent Broyles is the head of Fringe Division and he is a very serious, play by the rules character. Astrid is the quiet assistant to Walter that reigns in his insanity.

-The most exciting character by far in this scene to watch is Walter. He draws attention by the way he talks and carries himself. He is a character with a complicated relationship with his son and past. Agent Broyles and Astrid are not complicated characters. They are there to help Walter and you don't know too much about their personal lives.

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